Do you dare to accept the R3 Challenge?

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The time has come ! Its time to get your green cape on, become a warrior for the environment and help save the Earth !

Are you ready ? There's no better time than now !

All the details about the R3 challenge are spelt out here. So give it a good read and take up the challenge today!


R3 Stands for -   ReduceReuse and Recycle 

Well at its heart, it is  the no plastic challenge, but taken many steps ahead. You are not only challenged to stop single use plastics, you are challenged to cut off plastic at its source, refuse it first, reduce it, think of ways to reuse it and finally recycle it. 


The previous mails must have given you an idea about how our insatiable appetite for all things plastic and disposable are wrecking our bodies, our environment and our future. 

Who wants to lead a life consuming harmful chemicals, breathing toxic fumes and drowning in our own waste? 

All it takes is the first step, the birth of an idea, going that quarter mile to avoid disposable wastes. Once you see how easy it is to lead a plastic-less life, you'll never want to go back !

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Dates? Duration?
The challenge will be open at all times, take up the challenge for 5 days to start with, and eventually make R3 a lifestyle !

Who can participate?
Anyone can take on the challenge, who on completion of their challenge will nominate 5 of their friends. Anyone who cares for the environment and is interested to spread the awareness among their family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, anyone can join!

What is in it for me?
Yes, we mean it. 5 selected participants who will feature in #CCC Wall of Honour list will be up for a surprise.
Winners will be selected based on the following
-          Adherence to challenge rules
-          Innovative ideas
-          Roll out invite to maximum friends

How does it work?

-          You will be challenged by your friend to reduce garbage creation and share the process  in social media for 5 continuous days

-          Make the #R3Challenge poster as your FB/Twitter cover page as a sign of acceptance of the challenge (FB/Twitter based on the site which you frequently use)

-          Day to day activities by how Garbage can be reduced, recycled or reused are available in this linkThis link will be constantly updated through new ideas shared by the participants which can be referred to, if you run out of ideas.

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-          Now start posting pictures from Day 1 to Day 5 (in case of FB make the post publicly visible), with both the hashtags #R3Challenge & #GarbageOverload 

( You can also use any quirky, innovative hashtags you can come up with. Remember that it has to be about the challenge. Go Green and Go crazy ! )

“Day 1: As part of CTC’s #R3Challenge,  I (Brief description about what did you do for today’s challenge)”

Follow the same till Day 5.

-          Activity undertaken should be clearly visible in the photograph (for eg. If you are planting a sapling in a broken vessel or pot, it should be clearly visible possibly along with yourself).

-          You should post minimum of 1 picture per day for 5 continuous days.

-          There is no restriction to the no. of pictures you can post with the challenge hashtag, every additional picture you post increases your chance of featuring in CTC’s #CCC Wall of Honours list

-          On completion on Day 5, you can invite 5 of your friends to take up #R3Challenge and feel happy for spreading the awareness all around.

-          On completing the challenge your FB/Twitter page will be verified by CTC and if you are successful, you will be nominated for the #CCC Wall of Honours list

-          It is your responsibility to nominate the right person who will be proud of participating in this challenge and can spread the awareness. It is also your responsibility to monitor and follow up with all your invitees to ensure the #R3Challenge chain is not broken

-          Once your invitees (complete set of 5) complete the challenge, you can invite 5 more of your friends

-          If your invitee has not accepted your challenge within 48 hours, you can invite someone else in their place.

-          We do accept the fact that we will not be in a position to monitor the contestants every activity for the 5 days but we will be able to judge only based on the pictures posted by the contestants themselves.

 Hence we request the contestants to take this challenge with 100% commitment to create awareness among their friends, family, colleagues, neighbours and the society!

So now are you game for it?

-          Go fill your Twitter/FB walls with the most inspiring pictures and get a chance to feature in CTC’s #CCC Wall of Honours list. Feel proud for being committed to a Greener tomorrow!

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