CTC Profiles - Sathya Narayanan

Thursday, February 2, 2017
In our following "CTC Profiles" series we are interviewing a number of our active members to see how they discovered the group, what drives them, memorable moments in CTC, important changes in life and the journey ahead...

What are you currently doing (job/study)? your interests?

I am currently pursuing Chartered Accountancy course, My interests include reading comics, learning & understanding new things & any outdoor activities.

When & How  did you  get started  CTC?

My journey with CTC started post floods, in 7th Phase of Surya nagar cleanup. I have always wanted to give back something back to Mother Earth, I strongly feel this is one such way to do so. Thanks to my dear friend Vishal who introduced me to such an amazing place & ever since I'm have been doing my bit.

What are the activities of  CTC that  you are involved in?

I have been part of various Cleanups & Plantations, Awareness sessions in Schools & communities & lately in running 

What will you say has been your biggest achievement when it comes along with  CTC?

I feel the biggest achievement after joining is I have learnt to push my limits, challenge myself in various situations & mainly I have lost my fear for various things.

Anything else you might want to add?

CTCians are more of family then a team, really happy to be a part of it. Whatever I achieve major credits goes to them because they are the one who taught me never to stop & keep pushing. 

Share any one of the CTC Best moments you had !

Every cleanup & every plantation I go are the amazing moments of my life. Meeting selfless souls like Ahamed, Raja , Avinash & many more are the best.
Adding to that, During one of the Theosophical Society cleanup we had an opportunity to rescue a small turlte under loads of garbage.This pushed me not to miss any more cleanups, as I came to know this is also done for our voiceless mates.

How do you manage your work life balance ?

Basically now I have just completed my CA Inter, so I'm studying still. I strongly feel everyone must spend atleast 10 to 15 hours a week towards some social activity. That is what I am trying to do. During my exams, I take a break for a week but I make sure I compensate it in coming weeks. I also strongly believe we can always MAKE time.

Any specific goals/dream that you are working on ?

To create a more self sustainable greener environment, To help lots of people, Spread love, compassion & positivity all over the World 

How has your life changed after joining this CTC ?

I have started to love & care more about nature. CTC has helped me to be more active & fit through early morning cleanups/plantations & runs.

We have seen you in leading many of volunteering and how does this helps you outside CTC ?

I have lost my fear of public speaking, I can feel that I have become more independent & Straight forward.

What are you other interest?

I have always loved swimming, which I'm hoping to learn soon & join at Ottiyambakkam quarry 

Finally to all my dear mates, Come Explore, Love & Live is something I have learnt as a whole from CTC. Though I haven't been part of treks still, I have heard lots of beautiful stories from my fellow CTCians. We must always remember its NOW or Never. Make sure we give back something to Mother Earth before we leave.



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