Chennai Coastal Cleanup - Be the Change you Wish to See!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Sunday was a day to remember in the history of Chennai!

Together We collected and Segregated 29 tonnes of garbage from our beaches out of which 16 tonnes (55%) will beRecycled.

Every single day 6400 tonnes of non-segregated garbage leaves the city (our homes, companies, apartments) to be dumped and burned in our beautiful Pallikarnai marshland, a place which is unique attracting migratory birds from across the world. In one community nearby one of the city's garbage dumps 30% of young women is suffering from breast cancer linked in all probability linked to the contamination of air and groundwater. And we all know that our modern consumption lifestyle started only recently in the last decade. It's gonna take much less time for the situation to get much worse. Statistics show that our city is one of the most polluted in India!

The only way we can change our own fate is by being the change - if we can segregate 29 tonnes of garbage from 20km of our beaches then why can't we find the motivation to segregate our own garbage at home? Once our home waste segregated our job is done - non-profit organizations like and are ready to collect and recycle dry waste at our doorstep or help us in composting wet waste. Let us start now to work towards a more sustainable green planet for planet, ourselves and our children.

Do share your thoughts with us on the Chennai Coastal Cleanup, our ever growing garbage footprint and possible solutions towards a greener more sustainable planet, etc.

Yesterday's Article in Times of India on the Coastal Cleanup and Segregation




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