CTC Ainthinai - Raise the Guardians - Plantation location identification

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The Guardians of the Planet
Plantation location identification

Right from Stone Age trees were man's best friend until the rise of advanced science and technology. We started to prefer luxury and comfort over the basic necessity. This in return has come back to us in many forms of hindrancesPollution, epidemics, drought, natural calamities and many more.
Trees are the strong and Mighty Guardians protecting the rich and beautiful planet, but we didn't oblige to their command. We rose against them with science and technology and fell them down, built over their land, didn't let them flourish and finally its getting back to us. Rising temperature, longer and hot summer, less or no rain and infinite calamities.
Vardah - the tropical storm in Dec'16  swept away a large number of Trees resulting in anunbearable and hottest summer last month. In the months after that Ainthinai and its volunteers got involved in major tree restorations and plantations to restore the loss and we have been maintaining the planted saplings with care even during the summer droughts.
Now with the monsoon onset its time to begin the plantations again.

We are on the look out for plantation spots where we can plant a minimum of 20 to 30 saplings. There is no cap on the maximum count.

If your neighborhood or any location that appears feasible for a plantation kindly let us know by filing in the location details here.

The locations can be - River Beds, lakes and Ponds, Schools, Colleges, Residential Complexes, Corporate offices, Govt Offices, Parks, Railway zones etc. You can also send photographs of the spot by uploading in a common cloud site and sharing the link.

Upon receiving the requests we'll check feasibility on plantations (crossing power lines, prospective road extensions or constructions, permission availability, scope of maintenance etc) based on which we'll do the plantation with Ainthinai Volunteers and local support. Together we can restore Chennai's green cover and create a healthy ecosystem for our future generations. 



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