Chennai Coastal Cleanup/8 - Model Companies: LatentView

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Is your company taking steps in reducing its garbage footprint on the environment and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future? Check out the initiatives taken by LatentView at Ramanujan IT City.

At LatentView, as a part of go-green initiatives we have given steels mugs to everyone to stop the usage of plastic mugs. Also, we have replaced the plastic spoons with steel spoons and they are always kept inside a water-container with electrical connection. So, the spoons are sterilized with hot water. 

We have also replaced the plastic plates with bagasse plates. We also segregate the wastes into plastic, food and paper. This goes to the bio-gas unit of Ramanujan IT City. Apparently, the output from the bio-gas unit is used as a manure for all the plants and greeneries inside Ramanujan IT City. They don't use any other chemicals.

We also have other ideas in pipeline like replacing plastic bottles etc..,

Do you have a green story to share? Email us at



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