Javadhu Hills Ultra - Running Route, Elevation Profile and Trail

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Dear Runner,

Running Route

The JHU14 running route is a 25K linear mountain trail on top of the Javadhu hill range. It's a beautiful off road trail connecting several tribal villages and surrounded by scenic little paddy fields and lush greenery on rolling hills. All run categories (25K, 42K, 50K) start at the same point at the same time (5:30am). 25K runners will complete the entire trail and can return back to the starting point by bus our own vehicle (driven by relative/friend). 42K and 50K runners will take a U-turn at 21K and 25K respectively and finish back at the starting point. The trail is pretty straightforward with few diversions. Mile markers and direction markers will be put up along the entire trail. 

Elevation Profile

The JHU14 has a fairly gentle elevation profile between 750 to 1020 meters altitude. Overall the trail goes up gradually from the starting point (790m) towards 1020m at 20K and 900m at 25K. The 25K linear trail has an overall elevation gain of 400 meters and elevation drop of 300 meters. For 50K runners total elevation drop/gain is 700 meters. 

The trail has a mix of sections of different gradients/steepness - some sections are flat, some are soft up/downhill and there are a number of shorter steep up/down-hill sections as shown below. We recommend runners to run slow on the steeper up- and downhill sections to avoid quick exhaustion and reduce strain on the legs. Runners can run at their own comfortable pace on the flat and slow gradients. This strategy will ensure a successful finish. 

The Trail

The trail consists of 4.2K tar road and 20.8K off road dirt track. The off road track is a 4m wide, mostly even jeep track which consists of hard red soil, in some places sprinkled with loose grind/rocks. The track connects several small tribal villages and passes through sections of dense green intermixed with paddy fields. You can find more photos of the trail and surroundings over here and here.

In a few of the steeper sections water has eroded the trail making it uneven in some parts. In these sections run carefully and follow the flat passages used by two wheelers.

Aid Stations

10 aid stations (refreshments, first aid) will be put up along the 25K trail at regular 2.5-3K intervals. Refreshments include plain water, gatorade (or glucose), lemon, banana, mosambi, salt, peanut bars and snickers. Trained first aid volunteers will also be present at each station. Many of the aid stations are located at nearby tribal villages. At the end of the run South Indian breakfast will be provided to the runners. In some sections of the trail there is no mobile signal available. In case of any urgency report to the nearest aid station or wait for our route marshals who are traversing the running route.


To practice for your hill run get used to running on ascending and descending slopes. If there is no gradient in your city or neighborhood you can practice by running up and down a nearby fly-over. Make use of the remaining weeks before JHU to get used to running up- and downhill. This will allow you to complete the run much more comfortably and enjoy the beautiful trail. CTC's JHU practice running series are published on the JHU FB Page.

Hill Running Tips

Watch this nice video for uphill and downhill running tips -

Trail Running Tips

a.     The terrain is not same:
We call it as the multi terrain marvel. Therefore, running in the trail has its own unique challenges and be watchful and alert while running on the trail. 

b.    Find your rhythm:
Running off road can be exhausting, focus on finding the rhythm until you sense of being one with the terrain. 
c.     Run with a buddy:
If you are not aiming at a podium finish or personal best run with a buddy so that you can be safe inside the trails.
d.    Keep your eyes on the trail:
It can be tempting to look at the nature around you, but doing so can quickly lead to tripping and falling it is advisable to keep your eyes on the trail
e.     Pacing, not racing:
It is best to avoid comparing your pace, as you will be slower than your normal road-running pace. Instead, slow your pace and develop a trail tempo.
f.      Sport with your Trail shoes:
If you have a pair of trail running shoes sport with them. They reduces the chance of ankle rolls with a high heel. 
g.    Accessorize:
It is advisable to apply sunscreen, wear your sunglasses, cap/hat or carry a piece of white cotton cloth to cover yourself when the sun is pretty hard after 8 a.m.

CTM Partners

  • PASO - Sports Physio Partner
  • Alert - First Aid Partner

Check our JHU FB Page for regular updates.
Hash Tag: #JavadhuHillsUltra
Contacts: Durai - 9840807457, Krishna - 9962486076



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