World Blood Donor Day [WBDD--June 14]
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“Blood cannot be manufactured… It can only be donated by generous volunteers”
Through continuous volunteer support, Chennai Red Knights has arranged 3000+ units, of which 2060units from 26 blood camps and 1017 units for emergency requests for 368 Patients.
On this World Blood Donor Day, we extend our sincere thanks to our volunteers who have been our driving force during blood camps and emergencies. Thank you for giving hope to the most underprivileged and poorest families who get treated in the Govt Hospitals and spreading smiles in their lives.
CRK coordinates:
- Blood donation Camps
- Platelets donation
Platelets are needed in cases when the patient suffers from less RBC and the ability to replenish by the patient is slow. If a donor donates Platelets he can donate again in two weeks
- Stem cell donor registration
Stem cells from donors Bone Marrow are used to treat Patients suffering from Leukemia, Aplastic Anemia, Thalassemia, bone marrow dysplasia and other such blood disorders. Stem cells samples were collected from donors and stored by stem cell banks to use for furure needs.
- Organ donation awareness
Many precious life can be saved from organs of victims who cant live further which goes useless otherwise.We organise awareness drives enabling donors to register in to National Organ donor registry.
- Help for emergency requests
Emergency requests are major ones which full fill the blood needs of patients especuially accident victims and critical surgeries. We try to meet the needs with donors who cant attend camps
- Blood donation awareness/motivation
Motivating the family and friends of donors and receipients to donate regularly.Creating awareness about proper diet to maintain the haemoglobin count so the volunteer dont get disqualified at the time of donation
- Support for Hospitalised Kids
Volunteers Support kids admitted in govt hospitals by providing nutrient rich food and toys and games to spread smiles
Please always encourage your Family and Friends to stay healthy and donate blood
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