Running: it can be defined as the easiest & the cheapest sport, that anyone can do. You don’t need expensive gadgets or machines, or specialized clothes or shoes. You just need pair of shoes, a trail or road & most important is ‘willingness; to run. Running team has been the integral part of Chennai Trekking Club which goes way back since the point of its inception. Starting from novice to aspiring runners to professional runners to endurance or competitive runners, a kid, a teenager, an adult or a veteran, we have runners from all walks & spheres of life.
CTC has varied running events. In daily category we have 10*10 series, where we run daily 10k at the different scenic locations in Chennai covering the beach sides, tar roads, muddy trails & fields. We also have hill runs planned around the Western Ghats every month which tests the endurance of long distance runners covering 100k to 150k. We do participate in almost all the competitive events like Javadhu Ultra, CTM, Wipro Marathon, Auroville Run etc.
Few of the highlights in the past 6 months are: 10*10 series completed 1000k & going strong with more & more runners joining the team. CTC runners represented in Malnad Ultra, Wipro Chennai Marathon & Auroville Marathon in sizable numbers. Infact Peter & Vipul ran from Chennai to Auroville around 160k in 28 hours to finish 42k there, this was covered by digital & print media. More than 600k of combined hill running in scenic locations of western ghats covering Javadhu hills, kolli hills, Meghamalai, Palani hills & Munnar. Not even this, CTC running teams participate in International events too. In Feb’17, Peter, Ashok, Khushal, Vijay & Dhivinay completed Ultra-Trail Unseen Koh Chang Jungle 100km of 2017 in Thailand & many more national & international events are planned for this year.
The uniqueness about running is how easily anyone can learn, adapt & start running. CTC running team has many experienced & seasoned runners who have shown their mettle at various instances & they inspires & train the aspiring runners for endurance or competitive running. The same is evident by more & more number of new runners joining our running wagon.
A small testimony from one of our 10*10 runner who recently finished her maiden HM: Running has never been my cup of tea until a year back. Though I do regular weight training, cardio workouts still play a significant role in keeping oneself fit. It all started on a weekday camp with CTC where I met buddies who were about to participate in the winter triathlon. I was moved hearing their practices for the event. Especially the 10x10 running series seemed to be a challenge that I wanted to give a try. Believe me, it is an addiction. A positive one! That you would love to do. Since then I am one of the regular runners. People say 10k run is exhaustive. Well yes it is. It sucks all the negative energy from your body and makes space for the positive energy to get in. Well this addiction with CTC didn't stop with the running. It went on and pushed me into waters and taught me to swim :) I learnt swimming and just can't stop doing it. I would say these hours are the peaceful hours in my day. – Anu ( a proud mother & a strong runner)
Running is not just a sport, infact it’s way beyond that, which keeps you physically & mentally fit, energizes & revitalizes your body & soul, challenges your limits & pushes you out of your comfort zone. It also connects you with the nature. It’s always a great achievement, satisfaction & fulfilment, once you achieve your set milestone moving from novice runners to Half Marathon, Half Marathon to Full Marathon & then to an Ultra runner.
So what are you waiting for?? Join us for our daily 10*10 run & explore the unexplored…
J“Cover more miles, with extra smiles”J
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