Dinesh Ravichandran is a CTC Volunteer(Plantation, Maintenance,Cleanup,Awareness campaigns etc), Trekker, Cyclist, Carrom Player, CRK cordinator and regular blood donor. Here he shares his experience with us- donating blood and platelets, counting to a total of 51 times so far . And of course , he is committed to donate as long as he is eligible.
How did it start - any personal reason ?
The funny thing is my first blood donation started with a Lie. I was 17years old that time and there was a blood donation camp near my home. I went there and seeing something different which I never saw before. I also wanted to do that. I asked how to donate to a uncle standing there, ,he kindly explained me in detail and also I came to know that I have to 18 years old to donate. He asked me how old I am. Without even thinking for a moment I told am 18, he said I can go inside . They checked height and weight to my knowledge at that time. Luckily I am a tall boy :). I was actually enjoying the whole scene there and it happened for me first time. Blood was flowing from my vein through a tube. Yes am a blood donor now.
What motivates you to donate blood ?
What motivates you to donate blood ?
The only thing that cannot be manufactured by any scientist is blood as per my knowledge. I always wanted to give back something to this earth and fellow living beings. So it's an another opportunity for me. The biggest motivator is my mind and heart, I always feel very positive and energetic after donation.
How fit are you , How do you manage to be fit so ?
How fit are you , How do you manage to be fit so ?
I am not that fitness(no 6packs ;)). From my school days I use to participate in all sports activities(this is to avoid studies) and that helped me a lot.
How do you feel physically after donating blood ? (dizzy , weak , sick , normal )?
I always feel Normal.
How do you feel mentally after donating ?
Very positive and energetic.
To donate you have to travel, how do you feel , how you manage time ?
The biggest challenge is this one. Most of the times the place am and the hospital was far. I have to travel. But when you want to do something no one except yourself can stop it.
Your leave work/schedule any thing clash with it ?
Many times I went between my office timings. Luckily my manager is kind enough to allow me Everytime I ask(My sincere thanks to my managers). I even took leave sometimes. Saving a life is more important.
Why did you give away something for free ?
Who said am giving it for free? I give blood. They shower with their blessings and I feel more positive, energetic and happy(juice la vera kodupanga pa;) ).
Were you send back ever, stating you are not eligible to donate, what did you do then ?
How do you feel physically after donating blood ? (dizzy , weak , sick , normal )?
I always feel Normal.
How do you feel mentally after donating ?
Very positive and energetic.
To donate you have to travel, how do you feel , how you manage time ?
The biggest challenge is this one. Most of the times the place am and the hospital was far. I have to travel. But when you want to do something no one except yourself can stop it.
Your leave work/schedule any thing clash with it ?
Many times I went between my office timings. Luckily my manager is kind enough to allow me Everytime I ask(My sincere thanks to my managers). I even took leave sometimes. Saving a life is more important.
Why did you give away something for free ?
Who said am giving it for free? I give blood. They shower with their blessings and I feel more positive, energetic and happy(juice la vera kodupanga pa;) ).
Were you send back ever, stating you are not eligible to donate, what did you do then ?
This will surprise you very much. I never came back without donating. Thanks to my mom. All her healthy foods helped me surely.
How did you improve your haemoglobin count ?
How did you improve your haemoglobin count ?
Really I always found my haemoglobin level is above 13 or 14. When we speak about HB, most of times i found women donors being rejected due to low HB. This is very common problem in Women i believe. I suggest them to eat iron rich foods. My personal favs are Gauva, beetroot and pomegranate to increase the HB level in blood.
Have you met any recipients of your blood ,how was those experience ?
Have you met any recipients of your blood ,how was those experience ?
Not many times. Mostly i donate and leave the place. Only very times i met the recipients or their family.
Most memorable moment when you donated ?
Most memorable moment when you donated ?
Many years back, I received a call in the midnight when a small boy needs blood immediately. That was very tough for me to get out of home, since my parents were shouting at me and not allowing me to go out in midnight. I never heard them, all I was thinking is some one is struggling for life and I have to go. I took my scooty and went. I don't even know it got petrol. Just started and went. My donated blood and was in a hurry to leave home. Suddenly the boy's mother came near to me crying and thanked me. I felt something which I never experienced before. That time when I was back home I decided never to stop donating till I die.
Is it morally right to donate for people of other religion/ caste ? Do you check religion/caste of recipient or do they ask yours ?
Actually, this was very irrelevant. My person belief and opinion is we are all human beings. I never followed any cast or religion anytime. At the same time I respect everyone's faith and beliefs. For me there is nothing wrong to donate to any religion or caste. To my knowledge no religion says something like that. Also, no religion preach something wrong.Is we human who do all wrong and blame on religion. Don't think am religious person. I don't follow any religion or caste.
Donate blood, Save Lives.
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