Grow Your Own Saplings

Monday, January 30, 2017
Grow Your Own Saplings 
is a new initiative of Ainthinai. The main objective is to encourage the volunteers to raise the saplings in their home itself by sowing the seeds, transplanting and raise it for next 6 months. 

It's not just about Planting and Growing a Trees... It's about Giving Birth!

Goal of the initiative?

CTC Ainthinai has been involved in Tree Plantation activities from 2012 onward with the help of numerous volunteers support. We used to procure the saplings from Forest Department Nurseries, Private Nurseries and other nurseries which are running by NGOs. 

We wanna build the relationship with a Saplings and a soil from the saplings birth itself. As the volunteers are involved in this initiative, they could get more insights about the saplings.

1) How to sow a seed?
2) How many days will the seed to germinate?
3) How much amount of water we need to pour?
4) How to transplant a sapling from one cover to other cover?
5) How much manure & soil we need to mix?
6) How many days it take a sapling to raise 5ft?
7) How to save the sapling from the pests?

These above are the basic questions we used to raise. By involving in this initiative, we can get more idea about raising a sapling by ourselves. We will be providing constant support and guidance over the periods. 

Wanna get inspired by someone?

Have you ever thought you can raise 100+ saplings from an apartment? We are so happy to introduce Mrs.Mallika who stays in a first floor of an apartment from Thiruvanmiyur. She raised all these 100+ saplings over a year to more than 7-8ft. Isn't inspiring She raised Pungai, Punnai, Naaval, Badam, Poovarasu, Banyan, Athi, Arasu and other varieties. This was so inspiring to see her dedication and care for the saplings. 



1) We provide 10 seeds of different types (Native & 3 varieties)
2) We provide Saplings Cover
3) We provide Soil mixed with manure for the 10 Covers
4) Detailed demonstration will be given to everyone
5) Grownup saplings can be used to plant them after few months.

What is required?

1) A kind and caring heart 
2) Few minutes of our personal time on every week 
3) Small place to keep around 10 saplings and raise them to 5-6ft

What do you get?

Great lesson.. Wonderful time.. Peace of mind..
Great pleasure when planting a saplings which is raised by you..

Any doubts/Clarifications/suggestions/feedback, please reach out to team members.




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