Stem Cell donor Registration @Chennai Triathlon - 17 Dec 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016
Stem Cell donor Registration @Chennai Triathlon - 17 Dec 2016

Chennai red Knights is setting up a Stem cell registry desk @ Chennai Triathlonvenue. Triathlon participants and Volunteers who are interested to get enrolled to the registry and provide sample please register here
 . Jeevan Blood Bank and Research Center will be collecting samples
Stem Cell Registry

Hematopoietic Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT): 
BMT is a life-saving treatment used worldwide for patients with Leukemia, Aplastic Anemia, Thalassemia, bone marrow dysplasia and other such blood disorders. 

Stem cells are found in the bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. Blood stem cells can be donated by tissue (HLA) matched donors either from peripheral blood by apheresisor the bone marrow.
With more than 14,000 known HLA characteristics that can occur in millions of combinations, finding a match is extremely rare. Only around25% to 30% of the patients needing BMT have a tissue (HLA)-matched sibling donor available. The rest of the patients have to depend on the several unrelated stem cell donor Registries and Umbilical Cord Blood Banks that have been set up in almost all countries around the world.

In India, there are thousands of patients with blood disorders who can benefit from Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplantation. Few common disorders are: 
1. Blood & Lymphatic system cancers which includes Leukemia (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL); Acute Myelogenous Leukemia(AML), andChronic Myelogenous Leukemia(CML); Hodgkin’s & Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas and Multiple Myeloma
    a. Leukemia is the most common childhood Cancer, being 25% to-40% of all childhood Cancers with 60% to 85% being ALL     
    b. Several studies have suggested that allogeneic bone marrow transplantation offers a better chance of cure 
        than conventional chemotherapy for children with ALL who enter a second remission after hematologic                       relapse
     c. Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is the only potentially curative treatment for CML
2. Thalassemia, a genetic disorder where there is increased destruction of Red Blood Cells leading to chronic Anemia
    a. An estimated 20 million carriers and 10,000 children are born each year with Thalassemia Major. 
    b. Thalassemia Major patients need blood transfusions every month, lifelong.
    c. BMT is the only potentially curative treatment for Thalassemia.
3. Aplastic Anemia, a disorder caused by a variety of reasons whichleads to severely low production of all 
    cells of the bone marrow.
    a. While incidence of Aplastic Anemia in the western world is estimated to be around 2 per million population, in India
     and other Asian countries it could be as high as 6 to 8 per million.
    b. BMT is usually the only chance of a life-saving treatment.

Thanks,Chennai Red Knights



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