Sharing a few Pre Race Day and Race Day tips from our very own Raghul Shankar, twice International Ironman.
Pre Race Day
- Clip your nails 1 week before race (you need them for peeling off wrappers)
- Drink enough water (more than daily consumption)
- Stay well hydrated including electrolytes (electral, lemon, fresh juices, tender coconut)
- Go for a slight jog, cycle or swim (can do all three or a brick too of very short distances)
- Keep your cycle ready (pump air, race day morning not overnight)
- Keep your puncture kit ready
- Prepare your swim to cycle transition bag (T1 Bag)
- Prepare your cycle to run transition bag (T2 Bag)
- Sleep early
Pack T1 Bag
- Cycle jersey
- Cycle shorts padded (if no tri suit/ tri shorts)
- Cycle Helmet
- Cycle Shoes & Socks
- Cycle gloves
- Leg sleeves (optional)
- Something light to eat after swim(energy gel or bar or your regular nutrition)
- Towel
- Coolers or Sun glass
- Race Belt with BIB pinned, along with nutrition
- Running Shoes & Socks (Change socks, feels fresh)
- Dry Fit jersey (if no tri suit/ tri shorts)
- Dry Fit shorts (with pocket)
- Compression sleeves for arm/leg
- Cap
- Vaseline
- Race belt with BIB (if you have different BIB for Cycle & Run)
- Don’t eat anything unhealthy
- Eat the nutrition that works well for you
- Some say fat, some say carbs. Don’t listen to others.
- Don’t eat spicy food
- Avoid carbonated drinks and liquor
- Don’t walk too much. Avoid heavy workout
Race Day
- Wake up 1 or 1.5 hour before race (or earlier)
- Brush your teeth & wash your face
- Eat your pre race meal/snack (banana with peanut butter and milk for me)
- Drink some water
- Flush your stomach (yes, toilet)
- Take a bath (if you are used to)
- Apply Vaseline under your arm pits
- Apply Vaseline on your neck (for those who use tri suit)
- Apply Vaseline on your crotch
- Go through the course of your race mentally including
- Swim and its number of laps
- Transition T1 (its order and your plan)
- Cycle route and its number of laps
- Transition T2 (its order and your plan)
- Run route and its number of laps
- Get your Nutrition gels and bars to stick on the cycle top tube
- Get your pump to fill the exact pressure that you use for your cycle
- Grab your swim cap & goggles
- Change into swim suit or tri suit
- Slightly warm up your arms and hips (you will warm up while you swim)
- Don’t wake up late
- Don’t eat anything spicy
- Don’t warm up too much (control your nerves)
During Race
- Control your nerves at the start, don’t sprint
- At no point of time, try to accelerate during the race
- If your goggles get filled with water on one eye, breathe on the other side
- If both eyes get filled, float to remove water (if you can’t float, go to the nearest tube)
- Get out of water and head to your T1 Bag
- Remove your head cap and goggles on the run to T1 Bag
- Get your towel and wipe your feet
- Wear your shorts & jersey (if no tri suit/ tri shorts)
- Wear one socks & same leg shoe and then next leg
- Wear your helmet, gloves & sunglass
- Eat the snack on the run to your cycle
- Maintain the practice cadence and speed while cycling
- Eat something every half hour while cycling
- Drink often; alternate water and electrolyte every sip
- Respect your fellow participants & Volunteers
- Thank your volunteers
- Increase cadence at the end of your cycle leg to relax muscles
- Head to T2 bag
- Have a seat and remove your shoes & socks and outfit
- Eat a gel or bar at the transition
- Wear your run outfit (if no tri suit/tri shorts)
- Wear your socks & shoes (one leg at a time)
- Try to avoid walk as much as possible (leads to over extension of rear of knee)
- Run at a constant pace
- Show your flair at the finish line
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