Thank you life saviours

Thursday, June 23, 2016
“Blood cannot be manufactured… It can only be donated by generous volunteers

Through continuous volunteer support, Chennai Red Knights has arranged 2000units with 1275 units from 15 blood camps and 725 units from emergencies requests for 264 Patients.

We extend our sincere thanks to our volunteers who have been our driving force during blood camps and emergencies. Thank you for giving hope to the most underprivileged and poorest families that get treated in the General Hospitals and for spreading smiles in their life. 

May month is always critical and worrying one for Hospitals especially in Cities.Chennai is no exception, the main reason is being Vacation Students who are regular donors wont be there and others also go on tours.So the Hospitals doing surgeries face tremendous shortage of blood, sometimes resulting to postpone even critical surgeries.
Considering the scenario [Chennai Red Knights] planned in advance to minimize the effect by mobilizing maximum donors to donate during the dry May Month.

Team arranged multiple camps coordinating with various teams and at the same time handling the emergency requirements as usual.
Our Summer camp effort got covered in "The Hindu" as well.

Please always encourage your Family and Friends to stay healthy and donate blood

Thanks,Chennai Red Knights



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