Chennai Coastal Cleanup - Source Segregation / Home Composting - Update

Monday, June 20, 2016
Change has to start from all of us. Have you done your bit yet for a greener future?

Home Composing / Source Segregation

Ramya Arivazhagan

I believe all of us have the knowledge about source segregation and home composting. Only thing that stops us from doing it is the thought that its very complicated and time consuming. Also we worry about the outcomes like smell, insects which may or may not occur while doing the home composting.

From my experience it is very easy and takes less than a minute to do this. Faster than maggi noodles i would say.

How did I get to know?

I came to know about CCC7 and their initiative for home composting through vanathi, a very young and enthusiastic CTC volunteer.So i joined the introductory session led by Ashwin and Siva. The session was very interesting and very motivating. I did not want to delay so i bought the Khamba at the end of the demo itself.

Personalizing the Khamba

As my kids are on summer holidays thought it was a good idea (suggested by Ashwin) to paint our Khamba. So myself and my kids had 2 fun filled days painting the khamba with vibrant colors.

Source Segregation & Home composting 

Till the day we were putting all the things in a single dustbin, i never had a feeling that i am wasting so much of food. My first few days of source segregation was really a self realisation of my lifestyle and how i handled the left out items before. In this 1 month journey lot of things have changed. Now we have a list of items we use and how each one of them should be handled and its not very complicated. Also i have a feeling that i can see what my family is consuming everyday and slowly introducing new vegetables and fruits to make it a balanced diet.

Home composting with cocopit powder is the easiest way i have ever seen. Its an amazing feeling when you see the waste turned into the compost, though my first pot is still not yet turned into a full compost.

Support from CTC team

Last but not least, a big thanks to all CTC volunteers for this initiative.  Special thanks to vanathi, Ashwin and Sive for their support and guidance. 

Ramya Arivazhagan


While we have been segregating waste i.e. plastics and organic waste in our home, we have not done organic composting due to the fact of little laziness. Some OF my friends were doing it and somehow I did not do it.

It all started a month back after attending the presentation by CTC on waste segregation and organic composting at homes…
We got the new Kamba made of earth, which is again ecofriendly (no plastic) and installed at my back yard. 
What we realized after starting organic composting and segregation of plastic waste (recyclable and non-recyclable plastic separately, there is nothing we need to dispose outside. This is the small beginning of what we can contribute to the mother earth, by eliminating waste disposal from my home. 

What we do:

Organic waste: The vegetable peel offs, food waste, etc., are dumped in the Khamba for composting

Recycle plastic waste: these are nothing but pet bottles, thick plastic bags and other recyclable wastes. While we can sell this and get some money, our servant takes this waste, sells it and gets some money, which help her for some earnings.

Non-recyclable waste: This is collected separately and dumped it near Sholinganallur corporation office, where these plastic waste is made as granules and then goes in to road making purpose along with Tar.

Well, by initiating such waste segregation activity in our society, surely we don’t need for heavens to fall, but we can be the change agent 

Black gold !!!
Simple efforts for the better planet !!!‪

Sivakumar Shanmugavelu

What would be the useful way to kill the sleepless night due to low voltage and mosquito bites? Got an idea to sieve Compost which is almost ready.. Started doing under the street lamb and harvested around 3Kg of Compost. My 1 1/2 months of just 5 mins of time resulted me to gain 3Kgs of Organic Compost.. 

 Abirami Gunasigh

In my own house we have a huge compost pit and organic waste has not exited my home since 2000. Grateful to my father Gunasingh Dorairaj for showing me the way. But since we have moved into a rental home temporarily and lack space opted for compost pot to continue same. Thank you Ashwin Sekar for providing me these beautiful earthen pots immediately. They require very little space and adds to the esthetics anywhere....
Ashwin can be contacted @ 9962434196

Kathiresan KL

Active CTCian who started home composting and Zero waste home recently feels excited and happy about home composting
Srimathi Kumaraswamy

Who has recently completed #NoPlasticChallenge took over the next step towards composting. She started #Home #Composting in mid May 2016. Feels proud that she reduced the waste getting dumped in Pallikarani Marsh Land.

Parthiban Natarajan

A lead volunteer/organizer in CTC, who have accepted Source Segregation and Home Composting Challenge. Amount of garbage which is being thrown into dustbin is reduced to 10% only, as the organic wastes are converted into Composts and other wastes are segregated..
1) Composting started - 15 March (Plastic segregation - year and half ago or so)
2) single use plastics reduced - 3 / day maybe as a family
3) kitchen waste segregated in last 2 1/2 months - 2 individual pots in the 3 layered khamba... around 2 to 3 pots  amount of waste food in good condition fed to cows / street dogs 
4) kgs of compost -should be 3 kgs (going by pic)

Do you compost? If the answer is no, then maybe you believe it's too complicated or time consuming,or too smelly—or perhaps you think you lack a suitable place to do it.
Composting is not as complicated as many people believe, I started my Home Composting ( Actually Hostel Composting :-P ) two month before with CTC and Ainthinai Team.
Compost we can do in any space, in a shallow pit, in a large bin, or in a small worm bin that takes less than two square feet of space
Guys believe me, two months before I am zero in Home Composting. I don't know anything about this, how to do? What to do? Nothing I know.
But now I have learned how to refine the process.
Have you ever thought about how much household waste we generate in a day? An average individual middle-class residents in big cities generate nearly 0.8 kg of waste per day. And nearly 60% or more of the daily waste generated in households is made up of organic matter.
So just think about my hostel, waste will be generated where the food is prepared for 40 girls. I can proudly say that Maximum we reduced our hostel kitchen waste and we are also doing Waste segregation in our hostel to avoid maximum land filling waste.
Still I cant believe my eyes, how the Veggies peals are nicely became to this state (see the pic) My Black Gold Manure is ready to use.
Composting is the best way to handle your food waste; it needn't ever leave your apartment or head to the landfills.
Thanks to Ashwin for guide us to complete this process successfully. Hope we meet your expectation :-)



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