CTC - Chennai Coastal Cleanup/6 2015 - Yet to Register?

Monday, June 1, 2015
15 days to go

Is your Company/NGO/College/
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not yet in the list below?

Is your Organization yet to register for Chennai's biggest cleanup event ?

It's high time to join forces now -  individuals & group registrations.

Motivate your friends, colleagues, your company CSR department to join hands with us.

Stepping into the second week, we have so far received 60+ registrations from Corporates/NGO's/Schools for participating in Chennai's biggest clean up event. Participants count stand high at 4000+, including individual registrations.

Nokia Networks
GAVS Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Chennai Astronomy Club
Tata Consultancy Services
Panayur Friends Group
Chennai Runners Marina Minnals
Patel Scouts & Guides
Innowave Healthcare
Heat and Control (South Asia) Pvt Ltd.
Momentive Performance Materials (India) Pvt Ltd
Quadrant 4 Software Solutions(p) Ltd
Techdew UX Design & Consulting Firm
Caterpillar India
Jade payments
Give Smiles
Aam Aadmi Party - TNtt
Adityaa Agro
Namma Beach Namma Chennai
Visumbu Org
Rapid Response
Chromepet Cheetahs
Virtusa Software Services
Vibrant Vellachery
Federal Bank Ltd
Bharathi Scout Group
Symrise Private Limited
Care and welfare
HTC Global Services Inc
Ponnovi Creatives
Dell Business Process Solution India Pvt Ltd
iNautix Technologies India Private Limited along with Little Flowers School and Avvai Home
Prokarma Softech Pvt Ltd, DLF
L & T Infotech
Barclays Shared Services
Thomson Reuters
Tata Consultancy Services
NiN Society
Caterpillar - ATS, India
wipro technologies
Thiruvalluvar Gurugulam School
p.s.senior secondary school
St. Mary's Educational Trust
UST Global

Clean Chennai 

As a major boost for Chennai Coastal Cleanup team, Clean Chennai has came forward to work together with us in order to spread the message about solid waste management to a wider range of audience. Clean Chennai is an initiative of Chennai corporation to catalyse a city-wide shift in chennai citizens attitude towards solid waste segregation and management. CCC6 is now part of the event calendar of Clean Chennai. The Chennai Trekking Club and Corporation of Chennai will be collaborating together to make the 6th edition of Chennai Coastal Cleanupmore impactful than ever before.

Segregation/Recycling at Source Level

This year as part of CCC6 we are taking an step forward in spreading the message across. We have teamed up with Earth Recyler Pvt. Ltd. in order to implement a proper waste management cum recycling system in place at your office premises. 

Please get in touch with us if you are interested to implement the same. We will fix up an appointment to discuss on this further. 

Already some of the registered organizations have came forward to implement this and talks are on with them regarding logistics and infrastructure availabilities. Join the elite group of companies who are soon gonna be 'Zero Waste Organizations' who send nothing to the garbage dumpyards in and around Chennai.

Plastic Mela

Even though we try to avoid single use plastics in our daily life, there are certain items which we cant (soap wrapper, oil packets and other masala items to name a few). These are thin plastics which cant even be sent to recycling shops. So, why not collect them and send them to lay tar roads instead of sending them to dumpyards and spoiling our environment.

Plastic mela is an initiative by CCC team, which is intended to bring a huge awareness among common people towards recycling
plastics. Most of us aren't really aware of what thin plastic and thick plastic is. It's really high time to spread the awareness about plastics and importantly recycling the plastic wastes ( Thin and Thick ).
Refer this post for more details on this initiative and how you can effectively contribute towards this.


What started of as a small initiative by CCC team with 5 people has now became viral over facebook with more and more people completing the challenge everyday and nominating 5 of their friends to take it up. So far more then 750 members have completed the #NoPlasticChallenge, a 5 day challenge to eliminate the use of every-day plastics and adapt a more sustainable lifestyle. Deccan chronicle has published an article on our #NoPlasticChallenge initiative and how college students have actively and very passionately taken this challenge in spreading the awareness among their friends.

Are you ready to take up the challenge ? Register your details here.

CCC6 Initiative - CTC Stainless Steel Water Bottles

To fight the battle against the never ending stream of millions of plastic water bottles which we use every day and directly throw away, polluting our environment CTC's creative team has made some beautiful Stainless Steel Bottles designs which you will be able to order soon with CCC/CTC logo and a strong visual message to create awareness among your colleagues and friends.

We would also like to introduce CTC Stainless Steel Bottles to promote #NoPlasticChallenge as part of the ChennaiCoastal Clean-up awareness campaign. Say NO to Plastic bottles. 

Cost: Rs.250-270/- (Exact amount will be shared with the registered volunteers)

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out in Google Forms

Role Models

"Role Models" is an initiative by CCC team in order to spread awareness to public about being the change themselves instead of waiting for a change. In this series of posts we will be writing about inspiring individuals/communities whom instead of complaining on government and other factors, for the state of our surroundings, believed in being the change themselves and are following it. First post of this series was shared this week, which is on the famous#CleanKotturpuramCampaign

#CleanKotturpuramCampaign is an initiative by people living the neighbourhood area of Kotturpuram in order to become a zero waste community. They launched their campaign on 26th of Jan 2015. Every sunday morning they schedule to clean up an area in their neighborhood. An area which has been accumulated with much of garbage over several years.

Their aspiration is to become a zero waste community which will contribute nothing to the dump yards in and around Chennai. 

Complete post on this campaign can be found here and they can be followed over facebook facebook.com/CleanKotturpuramCampaign.

More posts will follow in the coming weeks on role models who are living amongst us.

Spreading Awareness through Performance

Our volunteers are spending their weekends practicing dance steps to use public performances as a medium to educate our fellow citizens on the harmful impact of plastics and garbage on our environment and our own health. Our members started rehearsing dance steps lead by professional choreographers through Flashmobs and Streetplays. Just like last year our colleagues from the Bharathi Scouts will perform a MIME. We are also calling out to Bloggers to help us spreading our message! Not part of the action yet? It's not too late yet to sign up!

Spreading Awareness to Our Future :

"A Child more than anyone is a spontaneous observer of nature" - Maria Montessori.

Children are born with a sense of wonder and an affinity for Nature. Properly cultivated, these values can mature into ecological literacy and eventually into sustainable patterns of living. CCC team is actively engaging kids in awareness events in and around Chennai, educating them about how us humans are spoiling the environment, marine life, etc. 

If interested to join our volunteers in the upcoming kids awareness event, please do register here. A word of caution, register only if you have the dare to face the questions that you will receive from these kids :)

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