Registrations - http://chennaitriatlonjuly.
Event Details
Welcome to the 8th edition of the Chennai Triathlon organized by the Chennai Trekking Club. Categories - Olympic and Half Iron. Swimming is in open waters. This is a non-profit event to create awareness among the public on sports, active lifestyle and health.

Olympic - 1.5K swim, 40K cycle, 10K run (avg time: 5 hours)
Half Iron - 1.9K swim, 90K cycle, 21K run (avg time: 8.5 hours)
Venue: Ottiambakkam, 20min beyond Shollinganalur/OMR
Timing: start 5:30am
Cost: 600Rs including medal, t-shirt, refreshments, e-certificate
Swimming: only good swimmers who are comfortable with open water swimming should apply
Cycling: participants are to bring their own cycle (or rent one)
Stay: we will make provision for overnight stay at the venue (outdoors)

Swimming will happen in an open water quarry near Ottibambakkam - 150m long, 50 wide, 100 meters deep. Water is clean.
Cycling will happen along OMR (Old Mahabalipuram Road) from Navallur towards Mahabs
Running will happen on trails near Ottiambakkam
There is no price money in this event

Peter Van Geit -
Prabakar -
About CTC:
The Chennai Trekking Club is a volunteer based, non-profit outdoor group. With 21 thousand members and hundreds of outdoor and sports events organized every year it’s one of the largest and most active groups in South India. CTC frequently organizes awareness events related to environmental conservation, social and sports. On October 22nd CTC organized the 2nd edition of its Chennai Trail Marathon in which 1100 runners participated in full, half marathon and 10K run along the scenic Cholavaram lake on the Northern outstkirts of Chennai city. CTC has organized 8 Triathlons in the past few years including one of India's first Full Iron distance triathlons last November. The group has been featured in around 150 news articles.
Web site –

Past Triathlons organized by CTC:
Olympic Jungle Triathlon in Nagala
Half Iron distance Triathlon at Nagala
Swim like a Fish, Pedal like a Jockey, Run like a Stallion
Enticer, Sprint, Olympic, Half Iron in Chennai
Entricer,Sprint, Olympic Triathlon at Chennai
Full Iron Distance Triathlon
Enticer, Sprint, Olympic Triathlon at Chennai

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