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Chennai Coastal Cleanup/5, June 8th
Welcome to the 5th year edition of the Chennai Coastal Cleanup co-organized by The Hindu and
The Chennai Trekking Club
Our ambitious target for June 8th is to collect 50+ tons of garbage from 20+km of Chennai beaches
with 5000+ volunteers both individual volunteers, corporates, schools and NGOs all joining hands
together to send a strong message of environmental awareness and conservation within our society.
Coordination of this massive cleanup operation will be done by a 100+ member organizing team of
the Chennai Trekking Club who will coordinate with both groups and individual volunteers at the 15+
target beach zones.
The Chennai Trekking Club
Our ambitious target for June 8th is to collect 50+ tons of garbage from 20+km of Chennai beaches
with 5000+ volunteers both individual volunteers, corporates, schools and NGOs all joining hands
together to send a strong message of environmental awareness and conservation within our society.
Coordination of this massive cleanup operation will be done by a 100+ member organizing team of
the Chennai Trekking Club who will coordinate with both groups and individual volunteers at the 15+
target beach zones.
Individual volunteers will assemble Sunday morning in 10 different locations across Chennai city
(see below) and from there travel together (car/bike pooling) to designated beach zones (see below).
The cleanup will happen between 6-8:30am after which the volunteers will be dropped back to their
respective assembly points. Garbage bags, gloves and refreshments will be provided to the volunteers.
Groups (Corporates, schools, NGOs) will directly report to their designated beach zones through their
own transport and join the cleanup effort along with individual volunteers. Corporates have to procure
bio-degradable garbage bags, gloves and refreshments beforehand for their employees. Contact details
of bags/gloves vendors will be shared. Estimated cost per head is around 60Rs. Schools, NGOs and
individuals can participate free of cost (bags, gloves, refreshments will be sponsored).
Groups can register in this link - https://docs.google.com/forms/
Garbage will be segregated in various categories (plastics, glass, bio-degradable...) and recycled to
the maximum extent possible to minimize the percentage of leftover sent to the garbage dump. CTC
will coordinate with third-party recycling companies and the Chennai Corporation for safe disposal of
the remaining garbage. Volunteers and groups participating in the cleanup will be educated by CTC's
Green team on segregation of materials.
The entire event will be extensively covered by our event partner The Hindu as well as a broad awareness
campaign on the social media supported by a large team of photographers of the Chennai Trekking Club
to carry our message of conservation to a wide audience. Last year 5500 people participated in the 4th
year edition of our Coastal Cleanup including 3000 individual volunteers and 100+ corporates, schools and
NGOs cleaning up 40 tons of garbage from our coastline.
Theme of this year's cleanup is both conservation and recycling. On June 7th evening there will be an
exhibit at Eliot beach in which various vendors active in recycling, segregation, green & bio-degradable
products will display their range of products and create awareness among the public.
World Environment Day is on June 5th - http://www.unep.org/wed/
World Ocean Day is on June 8th - http://worldoceansday.org/
We welcome sponsors who wish to be associated with this major event & conservation cause and
enable us to keep the event free for participating individual volunteers, schools and NGOs.
Volunteers and groups will be allocated uniformly according to garbage density across various designated
beach zones:
https://www.google.com/maps/ ms?msid=210029767232951908361. 0004b7e43fe843c811425&msa=0& ll=12.971438,80.274868&spn=0. 061308,0.090895
0 - Marina
1 - Lighthouse
2 - Santhome
3 - Foreshore
4 - Broken Bridge
5 - Besant Nagar
6 - Kalakshetra
7 - Tirunvanmyur
8 - Kottivakam
9 - Pallavakam
10 - Neelankarai North
11 - Neelankarai South
12 - Injambakkam
13 - Akkarai
14 - Panayur
15 - Kovalam
16 - Pondicherry
beach zones:
0 - Marina
1 - Lighthouse
2 - Santhome
3 - Foreshore
4 - Broken Bridge
5 - Besant Nagar
6 - Kalakshetra
7 - Tirunvanmyur
8 - Kottivakam
9 - Pallavakam
10 - Neelankarai North
11 - Neelankarai South
12 - Injambakkam
13 - Akkarai
14 - Panayur
15 - Kovalam
16 - Pondicherry
Like our FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/ ChennaiCoastalCleanup5
Update your FB Cover Page to create awareness among your friends -
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid= 306154499541439&set=a. 306153666208189.1073741828. 306147856208770&type=1&theater
Like our FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/
Update your FB Cover Page to create awareness among your friends -
Chennai Trekking Club - www.chennaitrekkers.org
Chennai Coastal Cleanup Videos -
Chennai Coastal Cleanup 2013 Summary -
Previous Cleanup Links - http://www.chennaitrekkers.
Media Coverage - http://www.chennaitrekkers.
Chennai Coastal Cleanup/4 FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/
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