Yesterday, 12 members celebrated Diwali yesterday above the clouds...
At 6am while the sun was rising above the East, 12 trekkers and 2 dogs left TP Kotta on a 1 day mission to the central Nagala peak and back in a single day - previously only done as a moderate 2 day trek.
Objective of the mission was to explore two less known interior streams of Nagala East which allowed us to reach the base of the central peak more quickly then the main Eastern streams. We discovered several new beautiful gorges, pools and falls along these streams -
After around 5 hours including a few climbs to circumvent a couple of vertical drops/gorges we reached the peak around 11am. We discovered a source of running water near the upper base of the 800m peak making it quite suitable for refilling drinking water, cooking and camping nearby the peak. 8 of the 12 members succeeded in scaling the peak, climbing through the low hanging cloud cover spreading a misty layer over the entire Nagala range -
Soon after reaching the peak, it started raining non-stop for the entire afternoon completely draining us and making the boulders and rocks extremely slippery. During the descent we discovered another trail near the base of the peak which runs down to the main Eastern Nagala stream and would make it possible to reach the peak in just one hour over a distance of around 3km only !
By nightfall the team reached back to the main Eastern stream and after getting back to TP Kotta by 8pm completing a 32km round trip through the interior Nagala East located between the 2 main Eastern streams. Less then 1 hour later the team was celebrating successful completion of their challenging over chappatti's and chicken curry in a dhaba in Sathyavedu ;-)
(GPS logs shows less distance due to temp switch off)
More photos over here
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